Sunday, May 19, 2019

Another week, another....

Another week has passed. I wouldn't know it, if I did not look at the calendar.
This morning in the marina

The days look identical and the weather almost the same too. The rainy season has started, which mean increase risk of daily rain and in some days it did, some days it didn't.
The only different for me is, should the hatches be open or closed before I go to the pool... Decisions, decisions, decisions...
Day out
I have walked most of the town, and I think I have found all the stores, bakeries, and drinking locations (sell or drink) that are in the area.
more reading at the bottom of the page....

Day in

Another project - main sail adjustment
One of the projects - Dinghy name

Another beautiful sunset

Lightning at night
 The video above is Cocoa going through speech therapy / training.

To be true the days are interesting; There are a lot people coming and going however,very few staying. It does give a great opportunity (for me :-)) to talk to many people and pass the time.
Something to do while I am in the pool; As the pool is very close to the main gate - so, people come, stop, talk, and continue. time flies...
I also found that the grocery boat comes on Wednesday evening - so shopping on Thursday morning is the best - planning, planning, planning.
And as it is the rainy season, another interesting night tonight (Sunday).
Next week I hope to complete some of the engines work, and find how I extend my cruising permit.


  1. Beautiful pictures-I love the turtle, the sunset and the lightening. Ask Hani who I am. I miss seeing her on the journey. Thanks for the updates!

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