Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Last few days before Hani returns

Hani is back in a few days, so beside cleaning, washing etc. I am also spending as much time as I can walking the town and it surrounding areas.
I usually drink before I walk - keeping my self hydrated with the right type of liquids...
 I walk from one side to the other and see both sides of the Sea Of Abacos

View from the Regattas
 And I try not to miss good sunset

 And in one of my walks I had a reminder from Minnesota with  a Snow Emergency Route sign...
 I walked to Mermaid Reef but couldn't get to the beach - private property…. So I walked to the Jib Room

Jack Fruit

 Those are real birds.

Still some work to be done including boat washing, waxing and bottom cleaning before Hani is back. This will take place during this week (if the rain will allow it).

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

You know you have being too long at one place when,,,

You know you have being too long at one place when you walk in town and people stop you and ask for direction.
In the last week it happened 4 times.
And funny enough, I knew how to direct the people asking the questions to stores, pharmacies, etc.
I have been walking a lot; I try to walk every day (rain depended) and sometimes two or three times a day - shopping, bank, shopping, and...
Below are some photos from the vegetation and views I see (coconuts, Mangos, avocados, flowers, etc.)
It is amazing to see fruits that grow on trees, from bananas to mangos to coconut.
Now that the rainy season is here everything is green - see below.
Scroll down and read below too...

Old Water pump

While walking I found the boat yard (below) that can take boat our size out of needed. Good information to have.

 Those "birds" where looking at us while we walked. I told them to wait, we are not dropping yet..
I wasn't sure if they where waiting for me or Cocoa...
BTW - Cocoa's 14 birthday is on June 16.

And last but not least  - sunset