Monday, March 28, 2022

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

In the Bahamas - Updated

 So we finally did it.

we crossed from Ft. Pierce, Fl to West End in the Grand Bahamas. 

We left on the 17th around 10 in the morning, and 27 hours later we docked at West End.

The crossing was over all ok. we sailed part of the way, we motored sail part of the was, and we just motored part of the was.

The seas where 2-4' the wind light to 10kts and the current....


We had to change course to a much northerly track to gain some ground. We did over 6 kts before we entered the stream, but than our speed reduced to around 2 kts.... But once we corrected the track we managed around 3 - 3.5kts.

We used the code 0 part of the time, than we raised the main to see if it will help, and than we gave up and just motored the rest of the way.

We did catch a nice fish on the way, that we cleaned right away, and grilled it in West End.

We stayed two nights at West End, strolled the beach, got SIM cards, and an internet hotspot, and on Sunday we left to Great Sale Cay.

Again we used the Code 0 (we like it!!!), and again we caught a fish on the way. Only this one got away before we got it to the boat. Sigh....

we got to Great Sale Cay just as a major squall came, blinding rain and strong winds. We dropped the anchor and waited for the squall to pass. Once passed, we raised the anchor, and moved inside the anchorage. The next day we moved a little closer to shore to a much quieter location. We explored the shore, took Cocoa for a stroll, the next day took Cocoa to another beach and we moved..

On Wednesday (today) we sailed from Great Sale Cay to Grand Cays. We left just after 0800 and arrived just after 4 hours. 

We caught another fish. A big one!. It was a Red Drum or a red Snapper. We had along and very very hard fight, we got it close to the boat and... he escaped.

Lesson learned. You can't bring a fish while you are on a Code 0 and cant slow the boat.

I was in pain...

Later on, after anchoring, we swam,  snorkeled, stroll the sand beach and let Cocoa run. We even met some pigs running wild.

That's all for tonight - photos will follow soon

Short update and photos - 

Yesterday, 3/24 in the afternoon, we move from the anchorage in to the inside of Grand Cays, and took a dock in Rosie's Place.

We did it due to pending weather changes that will make staying on the hook un pleasant. It was a smart move, as this morning the wind shifted 180 degrees and was over 20 kts.

The island was hit hard during hurricane Dorian, and we hope we help a little by staying and buying from the local stores.

It is a work in progress on the island, but it was nice to talk to people and see the progress that has been made.

Now we are getting ready for Shabbat, so enjoy some of the photos below.

SMS from

I am here Lat+26.989600 Lon-78.215058 Alt0-7ft GPS Sats seen 06 2022-03-23 11:32UTC Sent via Iridium GO!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Monday, March 21, 2022

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Two and a half years later.....


We are going..

If nothing dramatically is going to happen, we will be on our way to the Bahamas on Thursday, March 17 2022..

We are happy, excited, etc. etc. etc.

we worked hard, got the boat ready, provisioned, cleaned, sail a little, did all the paperwork, and now we are ready! 

We plan to leave around 1000, and go directly to West End on the Grand Bahamas.

Wish us well

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Long overdue update


You make plans, you prepare,you all the inspections needed, and life happens....


Last time I wrote was on late December 2020. Hani was away in Israel, she was scheduled to come back on 2/14/2021, and life was going back to normal.


Well, COVID closed down Israel, Hani was stuck there, and didn't come back until mid-April.

And guess what...

Hani si Back in Israel. She had to go back to take care of her parents on July 4th, and G-D willing she will be back on October 30th.

Yes, she has gone for 120 days. long long days...

Well, not all is the gloomy.

All/most of the boat projects have been completed. We traveled to Minnesota to visit the kids and grandkids. Our daughter and two grandkids came for two weeks visit. Hurricane Elsa was not and issue for us; and otherwise life is almost normal.

We made new friends, great friends, and enjoyed our time together with them. But, as life goes, they had their plans, and now I am (almost) all alone on the dock.