Almost two months have passed since the last post, and many things have happened since.
First - the weather. We have been monitoring the weather a few times a day (well - me monitoring the models as they published trying to get a 10+ days predictions so I can prepare or hyperventilate)
And there is the insurance..... our provider, as long with nine other insurance providers is no longer in business. So we have to shop for a new insurance, and it is not easy in today's world. Only four providers are left in the market, their prices are sky high and their requirements and limitations are even higher.
But, the good news is that we have a new insurance, and we hope it will allow us to travel out of the US back to the Bahamas and the Caribbean's.
We took the boat out of the water twice in the last 6 weeks, once for an insurance survey and once for a short maintenance (one week).
For the rest of the time we have been enjoying the weather, the rain, the weakly storms, and as you will see below in the photos - celebrating the Jewish New-Year and other Jewish holidays; And Hani baked bread (Challah) for the holidays (did I say she bake the best Challah ever); doing some fishing, and you can see the photos of one of the fish we caught, and it was two hours from catching to eating... what a treat!!
Also, even more fun, Hani got her new purple sun shades - and she is very happy with those.
And last but not lease - I would like to mention the company that did our rudders bearings - Williams Marine. Unfortunately we started to get use to the Florida culture and work ethics. 8AM means maybe todays afternoon, and around lunch time means not today, probably in a day or so. a 3 days work estimate means two - three weeks etc., etc. This company was a total different experience. 8AM was 8 AM. I will be by 11, he was there just before 11. What a great experience and great work they did - Thank you!!
That is a huge fish!! I bet it was delicious!!! What was it? Thanks for sharing your adventures and photos with people. Happy New Year!! Gail F., friend of Hani