Friday, August 30, 2019

Dorian - Update....

Do you know the story of.....

Well, it looks like this is going to be a tough weekend and a Labor Day to remember...
As it stands right now (early afternoon on Friday 8/30), we will going to be directly hit by a category 4 hurricane.
We did all that we could. we remove everything we could of the decks and cockpit of the boat, tie and double tie every sails, solar panel and helm. Closed  every window, and did a complete spiderweb of lines around the boat. Distanced the boat from the docks and used every piling, and ties we could. We got great help from very experienced

 marina staff and the only thing we can do now is pray and wait.

And waiting it is. Some predictions gives an early hit as soon as tomorrow afternoon, and some as late as early morning on Monday... So, we can only wait.
I flew the drone over the boat and took some photos - see them attached.
Have a great and a happy weekend - for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for your safety. Shabbat Shalom.
    Mitzi Goldstein (ISO Michigan).
