Tuesday, April 9, 2019

On our way and we are resting....

Hani and Cocoa enjoying the sail
If you saw the last to short location description then you know - the journey has began
just crossed the sky-way bridge
We left the marina at 0710 on Wednesday April 3. The winds were 15 - 20 kts and we had fun,
Just after 0900 we crossed the bridge that leads to Tampa Bay and had one accidental jib and two times going into iron. But we had had fun.
We were sailing in the Gulf of Mexico planning an all nighter. And you know by now that plans and actual don't work that well together.
It was smooth sailing and then the sun came down, and 10 minutes later it was blowing 25 - 30 kts and waves...
 gourmet lunch
It was decision time, and we decided to had to shore on our first plan escape route.
Wind is getting closer
3 hours later in pitch dark night, with strong winds, we anchored in Charlotte Harbor just out of the inter coastal, and I stayed on watch part of the night.
Next morning we left just after 7 AM with a decision to plan another stop if needed. And it was needed. we had some sailing, with the first reef in, later on 2nd reef, and than sails down and wind on our nose.
So we sailed and motored to Fort Mayer's Beach we took a mooring ball and slept well after some fighting with the mooring ball the decided we likes to lean  against our haul.
Skyline Bridge

We planned the route for today and left just after 7 AM.

Today we planed anchoring just south of Marco Island, and that is were we are tonight.

Stay tuned for more
Ok - here is the more.
Marathon 7 mile bridge
We finally (Sunday) got to Marathon.
Breakfast on the way
We are on a mooring ball in Boot Key Harbor, resting, fixing, adding things.
First - we left Fort Mayer's Beach early (just after 0700) with the intention to get to Marco Island as close as possible. The morning started great. We sailed, than the wind pick up, and we put the first reef in, and then the second, and than we drop all sailed and  - yes - motored again with wind around 20kts on the nose. So - plans change and we decided on stopping just "not to south" of Marco Island. They wrote a song on this place - " O what a night..."
First - we anchor at 7 feet - and then after a few hours I decided to check what is the tide - well, it is 3' and we anchored at high tide - so we need to move to dipper water. Than after we do anchor, the wind change and the current change and we need set the anchor and bridle again. Needless to say - long night.
Oded diving to check the boat
nothing nicer than sunset at see
However, for every night there is a day. and another beautiful morning with winds on the , .... yes you guest correctly on the nose.
We planed our new route and motored toward our next nightly stop -  The Everglades National Park next to Little Sable Creek. In this anchorage we had 3 other sailboat that left in the morning with us too.
We wanted to use some more power - so I started the generator - and guess what - it started, but - no water coming out.... Something to fix. We left just after 7 the next morning and after just under 8 hours arrived finally in Marathon.
We are now in Boot Key mooring field working on the boat.
First I dove to check if the water intake is blocked - it was not ( I think) as visibility is not "the best", second, we talked with some people, and the recommended Diesel Don. He came, checked, suggested a buster pump, and we hope it will be installed today.
Yesterday, we took the dinghy for a gas ride.
I.e. we filled the jerrycans diesel, brought them to the boat, filed the boat, took the jerrycans again, filled them up, filled the boat and - repeat...
3 hours later we think that the boat tank is full and the cans are full too.
Ask me why we didn't take the boat to the fuel dock... it is windy, very windy...
Like on our arrival, we were given a mooring ball T7. With an explanation, like = when you pass Red 17 and Green 18 , take due east and it will be and open mooring ball.
So I followed the instructions; pas the red and the green , take due east and YES, the is an open mooring ball with a number that looks like 7. Did I say it was windy (like 18 - 20 Kt)?
We grab the mooring, put the lines in, securing the boat, shutting everything down, and starting to relax.
I check the mooring again, and now I see that it looks more like one than seven. hmm, I decided to call the office.
After 20 min of trying to explain what ball we are on, we where told, we have to move - this time to R6.
Did I say it was windy?????
We moved, and after another 10 nerve racking min, that looked like 100 not 10, we where finally secured again - on R6.
Before I finish for today, I just would like to add - we had great time and beautiful and enjoyable time and most if not all of the days were great. Nothing beats sun set or sunrise on the water, quite evenings, water 360 degrees around you with no land or any one insight, and Shabbat candles and dinner in a remote anchorage (yes we did have a full Shabbat meal and candles - but no Kidush wine)
We loved everyday!
That all for today

More will follow.


  1. Thanks for the update. I've been tracking your AIS on my phone. Keep the notes coming, especially for those of us trapped in the north!
    Mitch & Becky
