Friday, April 26, 2019

SMS from

Lat+25deg56'1" Lon-77deg17'43" Alt+081ft GPS Sats seen: 10 2019-04-24 20:56UTC Sent via Iridium GO!

SMS from

Lat+26deg9'38" Lon-77deg10'42" Alt+006ft GPS Sats seen: 12 2019-04-25 19:56UTC Sent via Iridium GO!

On the move again...

Berry Islands Beach (one of many)
We have decided to move.
The wind has shifted last night (Tuesday night) and the anchorage became uncomfortable, so we change plans and moved.
Birthday Cake
We (unfortunately) motored for 7 hours and are now safe at a new anchorage - in the Abaco. We are at Cross Harbor (not really a harbor, more like a bay that is protected from wind from the north to the South East).
We may continue tomorrow or Friday.. Weather will tell.
But... before we left the Berry's we explored..
Entering Schooner Bay
We took the dinghy, and travel around bays, islands, anchorages, more beaches, more beautiful places including chasing a shark (for a change).
Cocoa enjoyed the beach, the water, but not the shower that followed.
Tonight, after an amazing sunset, we celebrated a MAJOR birthday.
Hani turned 60. Wine, cake etc. was celebrated. I couldn't find a better backdrop for this beautiful occasion.
Happy Birthday Hani!!

On the way to Schooner bay
We are at a remote location tonight, so cell reception and internet is very slow at best. I will continue when we will get to our next stop.

Schooner Bay Marina - South Abaco
on the way
We arrived on Thursday afternoon to a very unique and interesting marina - Schooner Bay.
On our way
Schooner bay is a small resort / vacation / summer homes community that is located on a very narrow segment of the south Abaco. It is very rugged on the Atlantic side - see photos, and less than half a mile on the other side a very shallow flats of the See of Abaco.

We walk a little after arriving, picked two coconut from a tree to try them (o boy, does it taste fresh (the drink) with ice and a little Rum..... Don't ask - Don't tell. I may try more today. I had to try my new machete that we bought in Bimini.

Cross Harbor - Birthday Dress
Hole in the Wall light house
The ride hear had all three elements of boating, motor, sail, and motor-sail. We left going south to head winds, just before we turn east we raised our sail. We past Hole in the Wall point and light house (see photos) and turned north. When we turned north we continue sailing and the ocean swells were amazing. Some time over 10 feet tall (taller than our helm, but 7 sec between and very comfortable even thou they were on our beam.
Than the wind fell bellow 8 kts, so we started the engines and motored-sail until we reach the marina.

Sunset at Cross Harbor
The entrance to the marina is very interesting. you aim to shore go between big rocks and shallow areas, you turn to port (left) see some markers in the distance and hope for the best...
We made it...
We took quite a few photos of the area so scroll below. I also took the drone for a first flight today and the last two photos are from the drone.
Pink sand at Schooner bay
Hole in the Wall

Panoramic view of Schooner bay

Monday, April 22, 2019

Party In Bimini and transit to the Berry's

We are in Slaughter Harbor in The Berry Islands
It took us just over 13 hours, we left at 0630, and dropped anchor just at sunset at 1930. Unfortunately, even though we had our sails up, we motored all the way as the winds were only 7 - 12 kt, and if we had only sailed we would sill be on our way....
Fish feeding
We anchor between two private island that are owned by cruise lines.
But before I will write more about this, let me tell you about the last few days in Bimini.
Easter weekend in Bimini is also the coming home party. The whole island celebrating, parties, music, drinks, drinks drinks, and food.
It is amazing and great to watch the whole island having fun. They dress and dance like they prepare for it the whole year.
Before we left, we  celebrated the Passover Seder, Hani made great food, including a Matzo Ball soup!!.
Sunset at Berry Island / Coco Cay
Bimini Fire truck
Below are photos from Bimini, Bimini party, video and some photos from the Berry Island and an amazing video of birds getting angry at us.
Bimini transportation

A shark came to visit us - Berry Island

Coco Cay 

Seder Table

Matzo Ball Soup

Home Coming Party - Bimini

SMS from

Lat+25deg47'53" Lon-78deg14'19" Alt+008ft GPS Sats seen: 12 2019-04-21 20:36UTC Sent via Iridium GO!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Our first stop in many to come (we hope) North Bimini

We are here for the last few days.
Learning the Island time.
Mango Flavored Beer
Yesterday the mail boat came so we bought some fresh vegetables.
Bimini has no local food grow. They fish (I will tell you about this in a minute) and catch Conchs.
It is also a huge tourist attraction it has a resort with two marinas, Hilton hotel and many many rental houses.
We walked the island from one side to the other, and a cross (which is less than a 300' in most areas)
Our boat
The people here are very friendly, except when it comes to fish...
We learned that you cannot buy fish in the store, the only way to buy it is from the fishermen directly.
They go out every day, come back in the afternoon around 5, they clean the fish they catch and they sell it.
We also learned that it is very hard (impossible) for outsider to buy fish on the eve of Easter.
We walked yesterday to two places where fish are sold. We waited patiently and basically told - no fish for you. In one place one person bought two boat load of fish. Sigh.... I guess we will need to catch our on food.
The towns here are pictorials. I have attached a few photos, including an interesting beer we sampled (read - drank).
Last night dinner for the town
The water are amazingly clear. and with beautiful colors.
But we will move...
Our plans - weather depending.
Ocean View
Initially we thought to sail to West End in the Great Bahama Island, however, we will need to wait about another week for the weather window for this route. Another option we are looking at, is leaving late Saturday, going to the Berry Islands.
Stay tune and wish us well, as we expecting to get some big winds starting today that will last most of the next two days.
And for our Jewish friend - We are busy preparing for the Seder. Hani is cooking, we got all the Pesach (Passover) products before we left Florida, and we will celebrate our Seder.

Until next time, have a wonderful Pesach and Happy Easter

Pesach Cooking

that looks Delicious


Sign in the Men's Bathroom

Yoga anybody?

Hani and Cocoa enjoy the beach

Monday, April 15, 2019

Small step for men, huge step for us

We made it - we are in the Bahamas.
We left Marathon on Sunday the 14th at about 10:30 in the morning and after 24 hours we have landed in Bimini. We are now in The Big Game Marina in North Bimini (Alice Town) and we stay about a week here.
We plan to go to the Berry Islands from here.
but first lets talk about the ride here.
And before we will talk about it, I have to tell you - Hani is an amazing cook. Just look at some of those photos.
The days before we left Marathon, we fixed the generator (again - but think that this time it is going to work great. However, we bout a second generator too, just to be on the safe side. We also visited the largest Turtle Hospital in the world - what a place!!
And now - sailing....
we sailed about 20 of the 24 hours, and it was a great one. Again, the wave did not help, as they came in a direction the rolled us and crashed into us.
Our route took us from Marathon, through Hawk Channel until just south of Key Largo, from there we turned right and sailed to the Florida Straits try to get a ride on the Gulf Stream.
that was the most uncomfortable segment of the whole day and night.
I had to tack a few times to easy the waves motion. But by 2300 we got to the Gulf Stream.
We where doing about 7 kts with a reef in the main and the head sail open, the wind was on the boat starboard side between 40 - to 110 degrees of  our bow. Toward morning the wind eased and so did the waves. We drop the sails at about 1000, just less than half a mile from shore and decided we need a marina to rest (spelling - Air Condition)
And I forgot to mention, on our way here, a dove decided to join us. Hani gave her water from Cocoa's dish - and Cocoa did not like it at all. The dove left us when we got to the dock here.

"Q" Flag before we got to the Bahamas

Big ships at night